Planet Four Talk

Why the images should be the other way up :0)

  • pocketmoon by pocketmoon

    enter image description here


  • Paul_Johnson by Paul_Johnson

    Pocket - when your right, your right!

    and you are right!


  • Paul_Johnson by Paul_Johnson

    Imagine how many people would stop asking the same questions if they could see this!

    Lots, that's how many!


  • wassock by wassock moderator

    That's pretty impressive , im looking at this mostly on a tablet so can't invert the image (cos it turns itself around all the time) Theres a post some where from one of the scientists which talks about our the brain deals with visual data - why we see so many faces in the wallpaper or surface of mars and so on. One of the interesting things mentions is the most peoples brain naturally assumes that the light is at the top of an image and for the most part we're expecting the them to be on one side or the other (and I can't remember which or find the post again) Point being that most of the images have the sun bottom right and by turning them through 180 you are putting the sun sort of where your brain prefers it.


  • Paul_Johnson by Paul_Johnson

    They should put this on the tutorial. It's jedi material.

    Leave it to the amateurs to put things right..........tch.


  • Portyankina by Portyankina scientist


    My colleague was preparing exactly the same post on our blog, but could not finish it because he had to travel between US and Europe. The post will be up soon.

