Planet Four Talk

Deep Sublimation

  • Dwight Huth by Dwight Huth

    Would sublimation occur deep inside of Mars where ice and water would have possibly made aquifiers millions of years ago? Would sublimation have taken place because of the heat from Martian core or would the ice and gas simply become frozen?

    Its interesting to think that cavea under the,surface of Mars,would exist due,to sublimation.


  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist, translator in response to Dwight Huth's comment.

    Hi Dwight,

    Mars had a thicker atmosphere earlier on so at that point there was liquid water on the surface in places. So there might have been aquifers but not because of the heat of the mantle and core. At the surface, no there wouldn't be enough heat coming through to sublimate the carbon dioxide ice, just like the polar caps on earth are not melted by the heat coming from the Earth's core and mantle.

    I hope that answers your question.


