Planet Four Talk

I think I'm finished! No more access to pics for me!

  • Paul_Johnson by Paul_Johnson

    I have a hunch that I'm no longer part of the team! (error fetching subjects-maybe we're out!)

    Thanks to Kitharode, wassock, AUncle and JellyMonster for some great discussions and pics, I've had a ball.

    I'm metaphorically getting my coat, with a tear in my eye......look I'm waving......the lights are fading as I walk slowly into the distance, my shoulders betraying a private sob.....The last of the Chimney Sweep, I've climbed my last -er, chimney.

    Kind regards to all,


    PS if you see a Pingo (or indeed, a chimney) now and then, think of me kindly.....I'm out there somewhere, in the intellectual desert, wandering and wondering, alone....


  • The_Pingo_Kid by The_Pingo_Kid

    I didn't know you Paul, but you sound like a helluva guy to me.

    Sorry you had to be chopped, fella....that's too bad dude.


  • Kitharode by Kitharode moderator in response to Paul Johnson's comment.

    What's happening Paul? Have I missed something here? No access - what's that mean? Surely 'the team' decides who's in 'the team' and nobody's asked me anything (assuming I'm on the team). Come on Friend, tell me what's happening here...


  • The_Pingo_Kid by The_Pingo_Kid

    I think someone has 'done for' him Mr Kitharode. It's a damn shame is all. I'll bet he was a helluva citizen scientist, probably good looking to......


    It makes you think......(tchh)......that poor man.


  • AUricle by AUricle

    Has Paul run off with Meg???


  • JellyMonster by JellyMonster in response to Paul Johnson's comment.

    I have a hunch that I'm no longer part of the team! (error fetching subjects-maybe we're out!)

    Ah, so it's only a hunch and you also use the word 'maybe'.

    To be honest Paul, I haven't a clue what you are talking about 😄. Don't go.


  • Chocstar by Chocstar

    I get the ocassional completely black screen but somehow manage to acquire a fresh image. It's one way to try out a new alias. 😉


  • Paul_Johnson by Paul_Johnson

    Hey, 'The Pingo Kid' stay off my turf....!

    I don't know you and you are already annoying me, young man......When it comes to Pingo's, they're MY thingo.....

    Get your own thing and stay out of my fridge.



  • The_Pingo_Kid by The_Pingo_Kid

    Oh so it's like that, is it?

    You sounded cool at first, and yes, rather dashing and attractive, but now I see you for the gimlet that you are. Yes, you heard me, gimlet......a small boring tool.

    I'm glad the scientists unplugged you from the grid, man, if you need to see some blotches, go stand in front of a mirror....



  • Paul_Johnson by Paul_Johnson

    Kid, you noob.

    My vast classifying experience allows me to ascertain that you are a blotch - on society, a waste of atoms, if you will. I am not a FAN of yours, either.

    This is a science board, not a playground...


  • Kitharode by Kitharode moderator

    ?? Confused dot Com pletely ??


  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist, translator in response to AUricle's comment.



  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist, translator in response to Paul Johnson's comment.

    I emailed support. Give them a day or two to see if they can sort it out.


  • Paul_Johnson by Paul_Johnson in response to mschwamb's comment.

    You wish, Meg!


    Thanks for the tech support, though....

    Very kind iindeed,


  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist, translator in response to Paul Johnson's comment.

    Also if you switch to a different browser does the issue go away? Ping me in mid next week if nothing's changed and I'll contact support again.


  • Paul_Johnson by Paul_Johnson

    I'll try it Meg....

    Speak soon.....


  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist, translator in response to Paul Johnson's comment.

    Hi Paul,

    The development team has a few questions. They've posted them in the original thread .

