Planet Four Talk

spider patterns.

  • p.titchin by p.titchin

    I saw this posted on the 'recents' by Portyankina, and was struck by the unusual pattern of spider channels, and ? plate formation. The more I look at it, the more strange it seems, so thought I'd share it. Whatever, its a strangely lovely image. ~ Pete


  • Kitharode by Kitharode moderator

    Hi Pete. Following the HiRise link, I think this is the same area as wassock's 'Bendy Winds'. Have a look at the map-projected jpeg for your image. Between the white central part of the image and the spiders on the right of the image, do I see some nice boulders?

    Bendy Winds:


  • p.titchin by p.titchin

    Thanks Kith, I think there are, Ive noted them in my collection as being in the transition area, and in fact into the white area, but getting more scarce as you get towards the centre of the light area.There are a few in the actual classifying image shown when you look for them, but it was the channels that caught my eye.~ Pete.
