Planet Four Talk

The BIG blotch

  • aitkend by aitkend

    Look at the blotch


  • aitkend by aitkend

    it's sort of spread out.


  • p.titchin by p.titchin

    have a look on the HiRISE strip RGBcol. nonmapfor this image. Towards the ice edge, third up from bottomof the narrow strip image, there are lots of large blotches where the black deposits seem to have flowed into large depressions, and spread out like this one forming black 'lakes' They form amazing images.


  • wassock by wassock moderator

    scanning down the length of the HiRise image there's a whole bunch of different wind directions going on here and the "blotch with the start of a fan" thAt Meg put up is in there too.

    Methinks that this one is a blotch (formed in still air) over/underlying a fan wind lown to the bottom right. This direction gleaned from the surrounding small fans and their apparent directions.
