Planet Four Talk

are my eyes deceiving me?

  • mattlou117 by mattlou117

    are these domes or craters? Most have a tiny black dot roughly central, are they holes?


  • HyperCol by HyperCol

    Looks like hard and broken terrain features with windblown softer (granular) material covering everything except the sharp tip, from the radiating pattern i would think maybe an impact past the bottom left corner.


  • AUricle by AUricle in response to mattlou117's comment.

    I can't help thinking that this image is similar to this: Image APF000060f at a different stage of development, such as before the ice covers the area over. Something about the linear development, makes me think these are the places that #cracks take form, and even show evidence of the resulting dust deposits ( #fans) that often accompany these cracks.


  • AUricle by AUricle in response to HyperCol's comment.

    @HyperCol.......LOL! That is a perfectly reasonable theory. There is definitely an arc at least of things that appear to be radial to some central point..........until you find out that the "hard points" are actually holes and that you're perception is being steered by a trick of light and the way your brain processes the image. (See the "1st Rule of Mars" at the blog page;
    Rotating this image 180 deg. here doesn't help to see it "right" either, I think because the lighting is too uniform. Not enough contrast. Maybe making a "negative" image might help. Sometimes darkening the whole frame seems to help 'right' the image


  • wassock by wassock moderator

    The whole thing looks like a negative image of fanfield with fans coming from cracks


  • JellyMonster by JellyMonster

    Maybe making a "negative" image might help.

    Your wish is my command! The noise (film grain) was already there I think.

    ![Neg] (
