Planet Four Talk

Tiny dots on the left side

  • hatimbt by hatimbt

    What are the dots on the left side of the image?


  • Kitharode by Kitharode moderator in response to hatimbt's comment.

    We would probably mark these as #boulders - and Pete (p.titchen) knows more than most about these objects. Here's part of the opening post in his 'Boulders' discussion:

    Here you are Kith- early musings on 'boulders. At present I am looking at three types:- (1) Snow/ice balls. (2) Cemented ice/soil lumps. (3) Rocks:-(a).Impact ejecta. (b).Fractured pieces following erosion of ground, gulleys,cliffs etc. Terrain is all important, eg, the freeze thaw cycles on 'patterned ground' allow for the movement of type (3) to the surface,and also could be directly responsible for type(2) and their subsequent 'sorting'

    And here's the link to his discussion:

