Planet Four Talk

Diagonal Patterns

  • Scobes by Scobes

    Any reasons why the the markings in the image are parallel? There is a band of markings moving from the top left to the bottom right diagonally in a parallel manner, about 110° angle.


  • Kitharode by Kitharode moderator

    Sorry, but I don't see anything particularly parallel here. Perhaps I need more sleep. 😉

    Nice example of fans in different directions though.


  • p.titchin by p.titchin in response to Kitharode's comment.

    Hi scobes, Do you mean that you have spotted that the venting angles of the fans vary across the image? Normally over an image the fans would be at the same angle, but there is a +- 35° difference from left to right on the fan angle. __ ~Pete


  • wassock by wassock moderator

    Hi Scobes, not sure what you are looking at but if it is the dark marks (fans) then their direction is dertermined by the wind direction and/or the slope so parralel fans are formed when the wind was blowing in the same direction. Wind direction can stay constant over long oeriods so it doesnt always mean formed at the same time
