Planet Four Talk

Boulders, or not?

  • wassock by wassock moderator

    At first glance these look like Round boulders with nice triangular shadows. BUT the double one just left of centre has it's 'shadow' going the wrong way and the one down and left from there shows 2 'shadows'


  • JellyMonster by JellyMonster

    Here is a better image (rotated through 180). I would guess they are fans that have forced the boulders along. The real shadows are much lighter in shade. What does everyone think?

    enter image description here


  • p.titchin by p.titchin in response to JellyMonster's comment.

    I would certainly tag these as boulders with associated venting. ~Pete


  • wassock by wassock moderator

    Yes 2nd look and there are shadows and darker fans/blotches. So boulders.
