Planet Four Talk

is that snow or ice?

  • badboysbedlam by badboysbedlam

    just started on this have no idea what i am doing


  • JellyMonster by JellyMonster

    There is such a thing as carbon dioxide snow but you'll probably find that it is carbon dioxide ice... (help me out someone)


  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist, translator

    This image doesn't have fans or blotches. It could be that we're seeing the surface through a semi-translucent slab of carbon dioxide ice or it is later in the season and the ice has sublimated away. In the second case, then you're just seeing the surface.


  • Kitharode by Kitharode moderator

    Meg. We're after something similar to semi-translucent slabs on 'ask a scientist'. Ta.
