Planet Four Talk

Tool for indicating outgassing along cracks... Is there one coming?

  • Plenum by Plenum

    This image has around 20 areas where (as I understand) dust has been carried to the surface by outgassing - the dark patches. We only have the "fan tool" and the "blotch tool". It's obvious that the outgassing has occurred along cracks in a south-southwest to north-northeast wind, and I spent a fair amount of time using 3-5 fans/ crack where the outgassing took place. Is there a tool being developed to substitute multiple use at a single location of the fan tool? Or, what's a better way to indicate outgassing along a crack? - - Thanks for any replies...


  • wassock by wassock moderator

    i think that the linear features here are lines of 'normal' fans which are just close together These 2 images APF0000i4u and APF0000n5b show what I think of as crack features - theres a very straight line at the upwind end - yours are more knobbly, the problem with marking them can be seen best in the second image where there's what would be a large blotch if it wasn't so obviously a directional feature. New tools for various things have been asked for, including this one, but I don't think that you will see one anytime soon. The whole point of the exercise is that it doesn't matter if one of the measurements is wrong, actually the statistics of the thing probably don't care if none of the individual measurements are correct, all that matters is the average. So 3 million and counting images examined the data is going to be seriously compromised if we suddenly start using different tools to make measurements.


  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist, translator

    Not for now. We'll have another iteration where we ask to characterize the spider channels and that's where you would tells us it a linear crack versus more of a spider where there are channels coming from a single point. Do the best you can with the fan tool.

