Planet Four Talk

The big green image

  • buzzybeeinstars by buzzybeeinstars

    I can'tbelieve what I am seeing in this one! first of all it is bereft of impact craters but There was one maby two marked with the stars. One definityly looks like the typical impact crater-- circular with a boulder at centre. One looks like it could be a possible blotch eruption beginning but It don't think so-- it doesen't feel like the same kind of activity I have been marking in the last two days. As for the topography it sure looks like rivers and tributary streams with little islands forming here and there. . I forgot to check the diredtion of flow but as I can remember the riverlike features were East/West direction. I should have checked that out in more detail. As for the other lines-- I would almost beileve that I could hop in my car and drive hither and yon on the same kind of straightish roads crossing the Antelope Valley and the rest of the Mojave Desert-- only a very green rocky version.. I also marked two short parallel lines that were between two land forms that were similar to a kind of structure. If this were on earth it would be like either a building foundation or a boundary of a playing field. there is a different quality between the lines that are like roads and the lines that are like rivers and streams. The rivers and stream show mild meandering tendencies but I would say not as violent as to produce very snakey rivers. Still it is flow patterns but perhaps it was not water that was flowing in there.
