Planet Four Talk

2 red dots to the right

  • Oops by Oops

    What is the 2 red dots to right of the picture camera error?


  • Portyankina by Portyankina scientist

    The color images are combinations of 3 color filters, so if you see just a green stripe or bright red dot or strikingly blue smudge - that likely means that there is data missing in the other filters. For example, sometimes you'll see half of the image being plain green - this means data from the red filter is missing. When whole image is dark red - blue filter is missing and so on. These are technical glitches.
    At this particular case blue filter went over-saturated at those points and our algorithm removed saturated pixels considering they are bad data. Hence, you see red in their place.


  • Oops by Oops

    Oh right thank you very much


  • Portyankina by Portyankina scientist

    You are welcome! Thanks for helping us!
