Planet Four Talk

Fans in Two Directions from one source?

  • jumping_jivey by jumping_jivey

    This one seems to originate on one point but has two fans. Looks to me like the wind changed direction!


  • Portyankina by Portyankina scientist

    Absolutely right! Fans could be created at different times, from first to second wind changed to almost opposite.



  • wassock by wassock moderator

    The left hand fan has a teardrop shaped feature in it. Convention would put the sun bottom right which would make the feature a depression as the right had side is bright. So if it is a depression why is the whole thing not dark? If it were a lump then no dust on the lee side would make more sense, so where is the sun?


  • mschwamb by mschwamb scientist, translator

    Yep. Let's try and mark these as #doublefan on Talk. Definitely looks like the wind changed direction by 180 degrees at some point. Nice find.


